For the use of Offício Cowork Tomar
We believe that a space for coworking is a space for sharing, that we are all part of and that we are all responsible for. Each of us brings his experience, his energy to the space and each one of us enjoys and takes something from it.
It is our office and we are all responsible for the environment that exists, each of us is a little bit of this space. So that we all feel at home here, we believe in basic rules of human coexistence, such as the old maxims “Everyone's freedom ends where the other's begins”, or “Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you” .
That's why we try to follow these guidelines to be all happy in this space:
We must deal with each other and with space on a basis of mutual respect.
Pets are allowed as long as they get along well with each other and do not significantly disturb the members.
In the open space, we should avoid longer calls and video conferences and/or talking loudly. Longer conversations and meetings should preferably take place in the meeting room.
The meeting room can be used by anyone as long as there is no reservation for that time.
The use of the meeting room must be based on a foundation of “fair use”, sharing, in which we must all take into account that others may also need it. For example, a member should avoid occupying the meeting room for several hours at a time. Of course, whenever this situation is necessary for some reason, it's possible. But we advise you to talk to colleagues and ask for their understanding for the fact that the room is occupied longer that day.
Those who use flexible rates, without a fixed desk, must leave it empty and clean it at the end of the day.
The kitchenette has crockery and equipment available to everyone. Everyone is responsible for cleaning up what they made dirty.
Whenever a member notices a lack or deficiency, he should report it to one of the space coordinators so that it can be replaced/repaired (for example, if the printer runs out of ink or paper, the toilet paper or soap runs out, or the heating doesn't work).
The coworking space provides all the furniture and technical equipment (eg printer, internet, coffee machine, exception for computers and other individual material such as headphones). This allows users to simply place the computer on a desk and start working.
The use of own furniture and/or the permanent installation of own equipment (eg printer) must be previously agreed on.
The space is responsible for heating and cooling. The goal is to warm up the coworking space in general and not each workplace individually. If you feel cold, talk to Offício, so that we can find a solution.
Whenever heaters, lights, and other appliances are not being used, they should be turned off.
The coworking space is not-for-profit. The membership fee is only intended to cover costs. We understand Offício as a space for everyone, that we all enjoy and that we all take care of.
We make our decisions based on sustainability. That's why we avoid disposable products as much as possible, such as paper plates, coffee capsules or plastic cups.